Sunday, February 20, 2011


One trait that I can find getting more common with each passing day is that people are not beign themselves.They are constantly trying to become another personality- a transformation which is replete with behavioral and psychological issues.
One just has to visit a call centre and you will find Hari from kanpur becoming Harry from Kansas city replete with the drawl. People visit the US for a few days and their attitude to life undergoes a sea change; not to mention their accents.Why do we undergo this transformation?
       The cases I refer may be to youngsters.But the malaise evident in the older age groups too.Among executives in MNCs, It is not uncommon to find the 40-plus age group trying hard to live up to an acquired lifestyle and taste to keep up with their foreign bosses. They will serve cheese and wine at get-togethers and try their best to learn the difference between Gorgonzala and Camembert cheeses, trying to remember which is french and which Italian.On the face of it there is no harm in upscaling in knowledge and lifestyle, but the danger lies in forgetting who we are actually are.
I can give you an example from the world of performing arts, one is influenced by one's guru and adopts a similiar style. But one cannot live a life believing that s/he is that guru .There is a distinction between emulation and in becoming someone else .
There is a philosophy to beign yourself . For starters , it would be helpful to describe yourself in one word .Haughty, self-effacing , shy......... which one of these adjectives fits you aptly? Why is it that you want to be someone else ? What are your comfort zones ? What complexes do you have and how do you acquire them ? If you examine yourself with these questions , you will find the answers that you are seeking in beign yourself .
In my view , I find that people who are not confident about themselves and suffer from low self-esteem are particularly prone to this attitude . But what we must understand that such people are not the stereotyped depressives who are easy to spot . It is also the high flying executives who go bussiness class and try to acquire a stiff upper lip and a glacial look --- in the beliefthat such is the attitude of a bussiness tycoon --- who also suffer from the syndrome.
We have to realise that learning and improving ourselves is a process of evolution but the process should enhance the indiviual in you and not make you someone else , you are part of the crowd .
You have to realise that if the weakness is you , the power is also you. You cannot get that power else where as the only personality that you can depend upon freely is your own . It belongs to YOU.               


  1. very true...good work.... i think u should write a book on human nature

  2. Excellent 1st piece....
    well thought out, well expressed...brilliant use of examples...
    good vocab too ...
    way to go shikha...keep it up :)
    waiting for more interesting stuff...

  3. Very nice thoughts.....I also personally feel that its an altogether own effort to be true, honest to ur ownself, it will come only when ONE WANTS IT !!!

    Keep rocking....waiting for some more good blogs.....

  4. Good to c ya blogging. Actually I was a regular sort of blogger in the year 2005-06-07 around or so..When I was in Swiss to utilize my time..but now I dont hav enuf time to read even..good going 4 u..keep expressing..

  5. A nice start:) good n quite true observations! finally world would be a lot more simpler if people are comfortable with who they are...maybe some good books on psychology and you would be amazed on how much people tell about themselves by their actions and still pretend to be something else!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. good one Shikha! i like your observations and also appreciate the effort of putting it down in writing to share with others.

    I believe everyone whom you are referring here imitates to be successful through ways which are easy to catch.."short cuts" as you might say

    If we are imbibed from the start with values that emphasize on high self-esteem, we might never fall in this trap and keep our own unique personalities while learning new things.

  8. Its really awesome. Being a student of MBA college, i have also faced such kind of scenarios evry now and then.

    Waiting for ur next post now!!!
